Einstein Marketer

The Customer Avatar: Find and Reach Your Target Market

What is a customer avatar? And why must every business create one? Discover how to find and reach your target market without wasting marketing spend.

What makes a great marketing campaign?

ROI, brand awareness, lead gen and a surge of new customers are the result of a great marketing campaign, but they aren’t what makes it great.

A great marketing campaign promotes an amazing product to the right people, on the right platform, at the right time.

The problem for many businesses (particularly digital start-ups) is that after they’ve designed and developed an amazing product, they take vague guesses at their target market, platform and timing.

Sometimes these guesses get lucky, sometimes they don’t. A decent marketer will analyse the results of these ‘guesses’ and optimise their campaigns accordingly…

…but, this creates a big problem: by the time they’ve adjusted their campaigns, they’ve already wasted a heap of time and money.

It doesn’t have to be like this. In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Educated guesses, vague assumptions and broad targeting aren’t good enough anymore, and there simply isn’t any excuse for it.

What is a Customer Avatar?

A customer avatar is a detailed profile of your ideal customer. It doesn’t make assumptions or categorise people into groups. The avatar focuses on one person and outlines everything about them. It goes into much greater depth than a regular marketing persona, providing marketers with many more targeting tools.

what is a customer avatar

I’ll show you how to make one and target your audience like a digital marketing pro in a couple of moments, but first, take note of the next paragraph.

It’s crucial that you create a customer avatar of your ideal customer, not your average buyer. Your ideal customer is somebody you really want to sell to, they’re high-spending, loyal, repeat buying, referral monsters.

Hopefully, some of you already have customers like this. If this is the case, use this person to build the foundations of your avatar. If not, it’s a clear sign that you’ve been targeting the wrong people.

Who Needs a Customer Avatar?  

Short answer: Every business!

Long answer: Small and medium-sized businesses will benefit most from having their own customer avatar(s).

Everyone is not your customer.

Seth Godin

Small and medium businesses need to ensure that their staff’s time, as well as their marketing budgets, are maximised. A customer avatar allows them to do both of these things, by instantly targeting the business’ ideal customer.

Businesses who have previously spent tons of time, effort and money without ever making a decent ROI will also massively benefit from a detailed customer avatar.

Why You Need a Customer Avatar

One of the most common marketing errors made in digital marketing is broad targeting. This usually results in one of the following problems:

  1. Brands and businesses who try to appeal to everyone, actually end up appealing to nobody.
  2. Marketers who try to speak everyone’s language, connect with nobody.
  3. Businesses who attempt to reach everyone, spend way over the odds and (rarely) reach their target market (especially their ideal customer).
Advertising platforms like Facebook allow advertisers to target their audiences by very specific behaviours, interests and demographics. A customer avatar should be used for any campaign like this!

It’s crucial that you REALLY know your target market.

The better you know your target market, the more people you’ll connect with, the more repeat buyers you’ll create and the more referrals you’ll generate…

…and all of this will come at a much smaller cost!

A detailed customer avatar will also streamline your business at every level. When you have an avatar in your crosshairs, everybody involved in the business can up their game and focus their efforts efficiently:

How To Create a Customer Avatar (Part 1)

Now you know how valuable a customer avatar is, it’s time to create one. You’ll need to start by drawing up a long list of questions and getting inside your ideal customer’s head before answering them as accurately as possible.

What questions should you ask?

Everything and anything! The more you know about your ideal customer, the better you’ll target them…

…but, just in case you don’t where to start or would like to better understand the most relevant characteristics of your ideal customer, I’ve created an awesome shortcut for you in our customer avatar template.

This template covers the absolute MUST-KNOW topics of your customer avatar. If you haven’t created a customer avatar before and would like to benefit from all the invaluable advantages (written in the rest of this article) get it now. It’s FREE and doesn’t require contact details!

How To Create a Customer Avatar (Part 2)

When you have your customer avatar template ready, it’s time to begin.

As a general rule of thumb, I always start by giving them a name. This makes your customer avatar easy to remember, reference and helps you flesh out an artificial character.

After your name, continue down the central column (outside the four boxes) through age, gender, marital status, #/Age of children, location, quote, occupation, job title…etc.

It’s crucial that you’re super-specific from start to finish. For example, when entering ‘age’ do not write 30-40. Being broad is exactly what you’re trying to avoid. Be specific. Get to know this ‘avatar’ as if they are a real person.

If you want, you can even find a photo of somebody online who represents your ideal customer.

When all the general information is complete, move onto the top left box ‘GOALS AND VALUES’ and work your way around in a clockwise direction (you don’t have to do it this way, I just think it’s easier).

As you enter the information, make sure you never veer from your customer avatar’s mindset. It’s very easy to slip into your own, or that of your average buyer. Be them for twenty minutes. You’ll learn a lot. 

Don’t Stop There

This customer avatar template is yours to keep forever. So, why would you want to stop with just the one customer avatar?

Many businesses profit from multiple market segments. Print the template as many times as you need, and use it over and over again for every single segment!

After you’ve created your first one, the rest are a walk in the park.

When you understand who you’re targeting in every market segment, you must layer them in order of importance. This allows you to target (and prioritise time and budget) your most valuable market segment first.


A customer avatar should be a fundamental element of your marketing strategy. It creates a foundation for targeting and allows everyone in your business to understand exactly who you’re striving to attract.

Marketing campaigns that already know the specifics of their target market will always require less money and time, and provide a greater ROI.

The customer avatar template attached to this article is a great place to start for small and medium businesses. It creates a platform for you to get even more in depth as your marketing skills develop.

Don’t forget your customer avatar template before you leave! It’s FREE.

And if you’d like to learn more about the Customer Avatar and see an example that we’ve already filled in, create a free account on the Einstein Marketer Studio and access tons of amazing marketing videos, action plans and educational content!

Josh is the Founder of We Imagine Media, an award-winning content marketer, best selling author and creator of the www.joshbarney.blog. He creates and strategises content, sharing the most successful tactics with his lovely audience. He hates writing in the third person, follow him on the social links so he can get back to writing as himself.

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