5 ‘Must-Listen-To’ Marketing and Business Podcasts (Available on Spotify)

by Josh Barney

Podcasts have been making some serious noise in recent years.

The audio content, which has been around since 2004, has seen a huge growth in listeners, with more than 70 million reported to tune in every month.

And it’s no surprise. Podcasts allow listeners to consume information around their life, breaking from written or visual mediums, which require an audience’s total focus.

You can consume while driving, at the gym, cooking dinner, commuting, taking a walk… anywhere that allows headphones or speakers.

So, if you’re one of those people who haven’t tuned in yet, it’s time to spend five minutes on your phone, downloading our top recommended ‘must-listen-to’ shows.

(This list of marketing podcasts can be found on Spotify, but if you aren’t a spotify-er, a simple Google search will provide you with an alternative way to listen)


The GaryVee Audio Experience

marketing podcasts garyvee 

Gary Vaynerchuck’s internet fame continues to go through-the-roof, and his super-popular podcast proves it.

The social media influencer has massive audiences on all networks, and there’s good reason for it: he holds nothing back!

This same passion for sharing comes through in his audio shows, and that’s why it makes our list.

You’ll find a mix of #AskGaryVee episodes (exactly what it says on the tin), interviews, fireside chats, segments from his DAILYVEE video series, keynote speeches, as well as new content, created especially for his podcast.


The Tim Ferris Show

marketing podcasts tim ferriss 

If you’re into reading and marketing/business, you’ll know exactly who Tim Ferris is. His book ‘The 4 Hour Working Week’ has been translated into over 40 languages, making it one of the most popular ever in its genre.

This show isn’t purely based on marketing and business, instead Ferris dissects distinguished acts from different areas (sports, business, marketing, finance), to hand his audience tools and tactics to use for themselves.

Previous guests to have graced Ferris’s madly-popular podcast include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Foxx, Tony Robbins, Malcolm Gladwell and Vince Vaughn.

This podcast is particularly important to creatives and leaders, who are looking to gain the extra 1% from themselves and their staff.


Call to Action

marketing podcasts call to action  

If Ferris’s podcast gives you broad ideas applied from all different industries. Call to Action does the complete opposite.

This series, created by Unbounce, focuses on digital marketing, particularly stories and strategies from CEO’s, founders and directors who have achieved massive things in their careers.

This show is (usually) released weekly, and can be a big point of inspiration for those keen to grow their knowledge in the field of digital marketing.


The Science of Social Media

 marketing podcasts science of social media

This series, created by Buffer, is another weekly release packed full of actionable tactics.

It’s a real ‘must-listen-to’ for anybody taking social media seriously, especially aspiring influencers, small businesses, social media managers and jack-of-all trades marketers.

The show always keeps you up-to-date with the biggest news and updates in the world of social, as well as sharing cutting-edge techniques used by all the big hitters.

If you’re involved in social media marketing, tune in once a week for mega-value from The Science of Social Media.

Marketing Over Coffee

marketing podcasts marketing over coffee

Another weekly show that you really shouldn’t miss.

Marketing Over Coffee is hosted by John J. Wall and Christopher Penn in their local coffee shop. The show is hugely popular because of its conversational, casual and easy listening style.

It covers everything marketing, from the latest news, tips and tricks to age-old-classic strategies and interviews.

If you’re just starting out and want an easy entry point, this is probably the best place to start.



seo checklist

Podcasts really are an amazing medium and despite their simple format, fit in perfectly with the modern world.

We all lead busy lives, and audio shows allow us to improve ourselves whilst still going through our daily routine.

If you don’t already, make sure you find the time to tune in at least once per week. The list above is a great place to start, and who knows, maybe you’ll find the inspiration to create one yourself.

What do you think of our list? Are there any that you think I’ve missed?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

And don’t forget to check out Einstein Marketer’s top audio files too!

Josh is the Founder of We Imagine Media, an award-winning content marketer, best selling author and creator of the www.joshbarney.blog. He creates and strategises content, sharing the most successful tactics with his lovely audience. He hates writing in the third person, follow him on the social links so he can get back to writing as himself.

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